How to Teach a Child to Hold a Pencil: A Simple Guide for Parents
The Best Pencils for Kindergarten in 2022
The first day of kindergarten can be an exciting, nerve-wracking day for parents and children alike, especially if it’s your little one’s first time being away from home for an extended period of time. To help reduce some of the stress and make the day that much more memorable, parents may want to consider purchasing personalized pencils for their children to use during class. This way, your child will have everything he or she needs to get started in one place and won’t lose track of a single pencil during the school year.
What kind of pencil is best for kindergarten?
The best type of pencil for kindergarten students is one they’re excited – and able – to use. Some children are hard on their supplies while they get used them. We’d recommend ruling out mechanical pencils until they’re more experienced as thin 0.5 or 0.5 pencil lead can easily snap.
Something else you may want to consider is non-slip grips to make writing a little bit easier. Most dollar stores sell inexpensive packs of non-slip grips.
For young learners, pencils with high quality erasers are a must. While it's important to have a separate eraser to undo larger "Oops!" moments, an eraser located on the back of a pencil is really important. There's a teachable moment here, too. Making a mistake isn't the end of the world. With the right tools and mindset, most mistakes can be reversed.
In terms of color, your best bet is to purchase your child’s favourite colors to generate excitement about learning to write. If you’re not sure where to start, we have a collection of 20 colours. You can mix and match free of charge. Most importantly, have fun picking out whatever color suits your child best!

Can kindergarteners use mechanical pencils?
The lead in mechanical pencils is usually too thin for kindergarten students. We recommend HB #2 pencils which are easier to grip. Learning to write can be a taxing experience for a young child. Snapping lead will only add a layer of frustration and discouragement to the experience.

Can personalized pencils help with handwriting practice?
Handwriting practice is an important part of a kindergarten student’s development. Handwriting is a motor activity that can be practiced and improved with deliberate, purposeful practice. So, how do personalized pencils help with handwriting? It’s a tale as old as time. People respond positively to their own name. Human behavior expert Dale Carnegie once said, “Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language." Seeing your name on a pencil promotes excitement about learning and developing a new motor skill, no matter how difficult.
But wait, there’s another added benefit! The more familiar a child is with his or her name in writing, the easier it is to write their name while practicing their handwriting. Children are able to recognize their names more easily when they see them all day long on items such as personalized pencils, binders, and notebooks.
What are some ways to make handwriting practice fun?
If you’re a parent, you’ve probably been asked at some point to help your kindergartener learn how to write his or her name. At first glance, it might seem like an easy enough task, but it takes baby steps to make progress. If things don’t go smoothly right away – don’t get frustrated. Instead, use non-traditional writing instruments. Kindergarten students love novelty, so give them something new to play with. Using unexpected writing utensils like chalk, crayons, or colored markers provides extra incentive and, perhaps, a welcome change of pace.
How can I add my own flair?
When it comes to getting your little one excited about writing, personalization is the closest thing you’ll have to magic. Custom pencils make a perfect accompaniment to your little one’s new school supplies. Personalizing a set of pencils with your child’s name will help cut down on lost pencils throughout the school year. The last thing you want is your preschooler getting upset because they don’t have a way to complete their work.

Where can I get some personalized pencils?
Right here at The Pencil Boutique Co. Personalized pencils can really help kids who are prone to losing things by making their pencil easily identifiable. They also make children excited about school because of their personalized nature. Plus, it helps teach them to learn how to write their name which can be a valuable skill that lasts throughout their entire life. Whether you’re looking for a small set or a bulk order to last a year, we have you covered. If you need assistance placing an order, send us a message and we’ll get back to you in a timely manner, usually within 24 hours.